Marta received a degree of Bachelor of Arts and Liberal Studies, with concentrations in Art History, Sculpture, Religion and Environmental Studies from Florida International University in Miami, Florida. She was chosen for the United States National Dean’s List, one of the country's highest levels of recognition for scholarly achievement.
She graduated from the 4-year Master of Architecture program at The School of Architecture and Planning of The Catholic University of America in Washington, DC.
She spent a year in Milan, Italy, sponsored by the Fondazione Augusto Rancilio, working on her thesis.
She spent a year in Milan, Italy, sponsored by the Fondazione Augusto Rancilio, working on her thesis.
“The city of Washington was like an extension of the classroom with its free museums and historic sites and the benefit of frequent meetings or lectures with the most prominent architects in the world, who visited while in business missions to the American Institute of Architects.”
In the company of seminal architects Mario Botta, Andrea Branzi, Michael Graves, Eric Owen Moss, and fashion’s greats G. Armani, Dolce & Gabbana, S. Ferragamo, G. Ferrè, Romeo Gigli, among others, she was selected for the Guggenheim Foundation Business and Culture Award, as part of the International Contemporary Goldsmith’s Art Collection: Un Gioiello per Il Terzo Millennio, and later inducted into the Guggenheim’s Oro d’Autore, Collezzioni di gioelli contemporanei (collection of contemporary jewelry) with her neckpiece “Girocollo.”
Marta matured as a designer when she worked at ARQUITECTONICA, in Miami, Florida, under Laurinda Spear’s wing for eight years and Bernardo Fort-Brescia, designing and developing local and international high-profile projects that included government buildings, commercial, sports, cultural, hospitality, airports and educational facilities. She managed and designed smaller-scale projects, such as parkades, memorials, master plans, commercial interiors, street furniture, industrial products, and graphic design.
She alternated with Laurinda, representing Arquitectonica, in visiting professorships at the architecture faculties of the University of Miami and Florida International University.
“I am extremely fortunate to have been exposed to Laurinda’s amazing mind and creative lucidity. From her, I learned how fun work can be when you believe in what you do, about the value of integrated design, and how to balance each project's macro and micro components and choose carefully what battles must be fought to achieve goals.”
During a five year-interlude in Nicaragua, Marta founded her first independent venture, SENSIDONI ARQUITECTURA +. There she specialized in upscale residential and commercial and residential interiors and taught senior-year comprehensive studio design at the faculty of Architecture of the American University (UAM).
KASIAN ARCHITECTURE, INTERIOR DESIGN + PLANNING recruited her to come to work at their Calgary office, where she spent seven-plus years. “I will be eternally grateful to Kasian because I learned to love Alberta and its natural beauty and made Calgary home.”
More recently, she was a senior associate at ZEIDLER ARCHITECTURE, another Calgary firm.